
Is your clutter getting in the way of who you could be?  Do you relate to any of these frustrations? 

  • you often have to hunt for your house keys, car keys, glasses
  • you can’t find your electric drill, iron, torch, a particular book, so buy another
  • you’re afraid important papers are lost
  • you have things in your house/loft/garage/shed that don’t work or are broken, and there’s little chance they’ll ever be mended
  • you have to look inside every box in your cupboard to know what’s inside it
  • you feel your home or office is overloaded
  • your adult child, ex-partner or flatmate has left things in your home and you feel stuck
  • you could take a box into any room in your house and fill it with stuff you don’t use and/or don’t like
  • you’d like to move house, but the idea overwhelms you
  • you’ve bought storage solutions but that doesn’t seem to help
  • you dread the thought of someone popping in
  • you go out more than you really want to, just to avoid being in the clutter
  • you’re paying for storage for belongings you probably don’t need

In my work as a professional clutter clearer and organiser I have had the privilege of working  with a diverse range of people to help them move forward in their lives. Transforming their physical space releases more of their real selves – it makes me smile to think about it!

What the process of De-Cluttering involves

You will:

  • get very clear about how you would like your space to be, and why
  • learn to give your own version of the ‘clutter test’ to all your possessions
  • learn simple techniques to sort your belongings
  • organise and arrange the things you choose to keep
  • learn about how to stay clutter-free

What I offer as your Motueka-based, Sleeves-up Clutter Clearer

  • a professional, work-with-you approach
  • a service tailored to your needs
  • support, encouragement, practical assistance and advice – but you make the choices!
  • follow-up support, if requested, by phone or email

My approach is to make you independent in your clutter-clearing as soon as possible, but be assured I will work with you and support you as long as you need me.

Virtual Clutter-Clearing

  •  I offer Skype or Zoom clutter-clearing.
  • We explore what might be behind your clutter challenges.
  • We may do some on-the-spot de-cluttering, and then agree on your ‘homework’ before the next session. 
  • $60 NZ per one-hour session


To be really effective, we’re best to work together for a minimum of 3 to 4 hours at a time (or 1 hour for Virtual De-Cluttering)

Sliding scale, depending on ability to pay. $40-$80 NZ per hour.  Or you could suggest an exchange.

I am not registered for GST.

Lightness, clarity, more energy and RELIEF… that’s how I felt after a few hours clutter clearing help from Margaret.
Also, it now seems much easier – more routine – to sort things into keep/give away than before.  Thank you!!”
Sarah Williams, UK

More Kind Words and FAQs here 

I would love to meet you. Contact me to set up a time to chat.   e.    m. +64 (0) 21 083 24224 

+64 210 832 4224 © margaret mccallum 2021