Spiritual Care

Are you seeking a calm, compassionate presence for whatever is arising for you?

Spiritual Care is about providing such a presence, in the moment. It is about being with difficult subjects and emotions with a trusted guide, as well as sharing in the delights of life.

Spiritual Care honours your unique life journey, whatever your world view.

It may involve:

  • exploring what gives meaning and purpose to your life, be that faith, nature, family, music …
  • reflecting on your sense of belonging and connectedness, to yourself, others, nature, the sacred
  • support in times of distress
  • identifying what gives you hope and gratitude – what sustains you.

To this I bring a background in:

  • spiritual counselling / mentoring / companioning
  • non-religious, informal ministry in various settings, including a multi-cultural community centre in Porirua NZ, live-in care of elderly people in the UK, Community Care Circle at Findhorn, UK
  • Compassionate/ Nonviolent Communication and mediation / conflict resolution
  • companioning people who are dying / Soul Midwifery
  • grief support – individual and group settings
  • ceremony-creation and holding

Click here to arrange an introductory chat.

Exchange:  1hr session $60-$90 depending on ability to pay

We can meet in person or on Skype or Zoom.

Kind Words:

Margaret is a woman of integrity and honest care. Supportive, firm and accepting, she has walked alongside me as I’ve tumbled into scary and lost places. Her sharing is a much-valued gift of non-judgement offered with many breathing spaces too. These have allowed me to tentatively ponder possibilities, embrace ideas with excitement; discuss and disagree as and when. Happily we can laugh together too and share the joy of this and that along the way, which brings balance to the whole, puzzling, sometimes torturous, adventure.

I see you as a therapeutic coach, but it’s spiritual work, too; you hold that energy, sometimes explicitly, sometimes in the background.

I found it really helpful to ponder and look at how my responses to my current situation were strategies I had developed at a young age but no longer served me – it put me in a position of being able to choose whether to hold on to them or create something different.
I appreciated the space you gave me to think on the questions/possibilities you put forward. I never felt you were telling me how it was – I was free to play with the idea or have an ah-ha moment because of what was triggered.
I loved that you actually listened and were able to bring things I had said into a context further down the process. At all times I felt the process was mine and as a result was able to take ownership of where I arrived.
You created a safe environment for me to explore very sensitive areas of my life. Thank you.